Corporate Event With VSLR and Rome (Sublime With Rome)

If you read my Behind The Artist blog post then you know that before pursuing music full-time I worked in the direct sales industry. It was a very difficult yet rewarding career and not everyone is cut out for it.

One of my favorite things about those years is that I had the opportunity to be trained by some incredible leaders and as I progress throughout my music career I continue to find that the principles I learned in sales can be applied no matter what I do. 

I learned how to not take rejection personally, how to lead by example and that even if 99 people aren’t interested in what you are doing, to keep pushing because its really only the 1 person who does that counts after all.

Life came around full circle when I was asked to play a corporate event for VSLR, the largest direct sales organization in the industry. That night they hired me to open for Rome Ramirez of Sublime with Rome. Sublime was always one of my influences musically so it was pretty surreal sharing the stage with him.

It's insane to think that just a year earlier I could have easily been in that room as another one of VSLR’s leaders. That night however, I felt as if I was FINALLY in the right seat. To be here was inspiring and helped affirm the leap that I had taken just a year prior to pursue my music full time.

The show went off without a hitch and I am very thankful to my friend Ty Williams for putting me in front of an audience to share my music and do what I love. 

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Interested in booking me for your next corporate event? Get in touch here

Photos taken by Fides Rex